
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Do You Add Value To People's Lives?

Some of you might be wondering, "What in the world is this guy talking about?  Value???"  But really, have we sat down and thought about this before?  What has become of my life lately?  Am I trying to help others and try to add value to their lives or am I looking out for "me?"  What am I contributing to the world that would give them something they can use and/or apply in their daily lives?  These are the kinds of questions I ask myself when I try to figure out if I have anything to give anybody that would be useful to them.

I would like to share 3 actions you can take that will bring value into people's lives and give them a sense of confidence and trust in you and what you bring to the table:
  1. Listen.  To give value, you must be a good listener.  Have you ever tried to just listen to someone share something with you without saying a single word?  I know, it's hard, but possible.  You would be amazed how much you learn about someone just by listening.  Listening is a very powerful tool in learning what people are thinking and experiencing.  It also provides a great resource for ideas on types of value to provide that would be pertinent to your audience or surrounding group of people.
  2. Learn.  Learning from people with experience or expertise in something that is unique or worth sharing with others is another great way to provide value.  We should be learning all the time.  That is a process that never ends and your brain never gets tired of or runs out of room for information (interesting how that is, but that's a whole other story).
  3. Ask yourself, "What do they value?"  When you do points one and two, this one comes much easier.  It is always good to know your prospects and what they are asking for.  Our son, Jesse, makes that quite easy.  He always tells exactly what he wants.  Sometimes he is even demanding of it, although he is only two. :) It may be this easy to find out what people value.  Sometimes it may take some research and maybe using your listening and learning skills, but it's worth it in the end and you learn a whole lot about people.
So, again, I ask, "Do you provide value to people's lives?"  Think about it.  Maybe today is the day to start.  You would be surprised how much your life changes when you give to others instead of being on the receiving end.
Helping you get the upper hand,
Peter Bunn
Rising Leader

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