
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!! So What Is It About Anyway?

Merry Christmas to everyone!  I hope everyone is enjoying a good time together with family and friends.  This is a season for a lot of things.  When you here the word Christmas, a lot of things come to mind; gifts, Santa Claus, snow, friends, family, reindeer, Christmas carols, holiday foods, etc.  The list goes on and on. 

But what is Christmas really about?  Is it a time of joy, peace, giving, time with family?  Is it a time of giving of yourself and loving each other?  I would say all those things are true, but there is more to Christmas than that.

Historically Christmas started with someone that had a giving heart and gave gifts to all those unfortunate.  Later the Christians adopted this tradition with the story of the birth of Jesus of the Bible.  Hence the name "Christ"mas.  This story is the real reason we should be celebrating Christmas.

Most people know the story of the virgin birth of Jesus in the manger and the visit of the shepherds and wisemen.  It is intertwined in many of our Christmas songs and carols.  But I don't think everyone knows why we celebrate this; the reason behind it all.

From the beginning of mankind, God had a plan to send his only Son to earth in the form of man to save man from himself and his sin.  That plan came to fruition around 0 A.D. when Christ was born into this world.  He came as the King of kings, but was born in a humble manger.   Some 30 or so years later he would die on a cross bearing the sins of the world, and raise from the dead three days later.  And that is why Jesus is the reason for the season.

So why do we give gifts during this season?  To be reminded of the wisemen who came to Jesus and gave Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.  They have gifts worthy of a king.   God gave of the ultimate gift; His Son and we give gifts in remembrance of that.          

So when you celebrate Christmas, be reminded of a little baby born in a manger around 2000 years ago who changed the course of history and mankind.  If you want to learn more about this story, you can read it in the book of Matthew of the Bible, chapter one.  

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Helping you get the upper hand,
Peter Bunn
Rising Leader

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