I was trying to find out what to post next on my blog that would be thought provoking and give people inspiration and encouragement. This is what I came up with. I hope it gives you a pick up.
What is it that gets you out of bed in the morning and makes you start your day? What is it that gives you that little extra push you need to accomplish something or complete a task? Do you love your job and enjoy going to work every morning? Is there a family member that you adore and are inspired by. Is it an expectation you have to accomplish an end game in life. What is it? What is it that gives you that drive to get done what you want to get done in life?
Everyone has something in there life that gives them that extra strength they need. Some people have not found it yet. Some have not even started looking. Yet everyone has a dream; something they have always wanted to do or accomplish. Whether it is becoming successful in some way, making a lot of money, flying to the moon or inventing something, everyone has a dream of some type. What I am trying to say is, what is keeping you from making those dreams and aspirations come true? If it is just the fact that you haven't found what drives you, now is the time. The best way to accomplish something is to have something you can look to, something that, when you are in hard times and need some inspiration and a reminder of why you are doing what you are doing, you will have that one thing to bring you back up and to the next level. Now is the time to find that. Do some deep soul searching. Search within yourself and find that inspiration. Now it may be more than one thing. That's great! Once you find that, grab a hold of it and be clear what it is. Be as specific as possible. The more vivid you have it in your mind, the better it will serve you. Once you have that gold nugget, start doing what you have always wanted to do and use that inspiration to keep you going. Most importantly, don't give up.
My Story
I am starting a new online business and I was asked, "Why are you doing this? What is it that you want to accomplish in this business." At first my answer was to make more money than I am now, but that quickly changed to this. And this is my inspiration and drive:
I want to be able to get up in the morning whenever I want and have my own schedule. I want to wake up to the voice of my son playing in his crib. I want to be able to get up in the morning and make my family blueberry pancakes with homemade maple syrup and hashbrowns. I want to be able to spend quality time with my family, and if we want to go to the park, be able to just go to the park. I want to see my son ride his first bicycle. I want to teach him how to play soccer, baseball and other sports. I want to watch him grow up. I want to be able to go on day trips with my wife or go on a weekend get away without having to put in vacation time at work in order to go. That is what I want to be able to do. That is what drives me and gives me inspiration. And when I am down, when I have lost my way, when I need a little pick up, I recall this dream, and it gives me new life and energy and allows me to keep on keeping on so I can accomplish that dream!
Helping you get the upper hand,
Peter Bunn
Rising Leader
Want a more stress free life and be able to be home with your family? Learn how to empower yourself with this experience: www.PeterBunnHasFun.com
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